coronavirus in Iran
Coronavirus confines one billion to homes, death toll passes 13,000 globally
Cases of infection with the new coronavirus continue to surge throughout the world, and restrictions put in place by governments to contain the…
An open letter from a group of Iranian artists to the artists of the world
All of us, no matter what our nationality is or what country we are from, are citizens of a borderless utopia call “ART” which exists in a…
Weed out sadness from your heart!
Devastating impact of coronavirus outbreak in Iran would be considered as an alert to humanity. It reminds us that the only reality in the world…
By Elahe Seyfodin
Iranian Students Face Second Round of Distance Learning Amidst Nationwide Crisis
In a déjà vu moment, Iranian students find themselves once again grappling with distance learning as the aftermath of a nationwide crisis unfolds.…
UNICEF aids arrives in Iran
Iran received the third new coronavirus aid packages of The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to help keeping children safe from coronavirus.
Isfahan's disinfection efforts against Coronavirus
Isfahan’s municipal trucks are spraying highly touched surfaces, streets and sidewalks daily to slow the spread of COVID-19. Dozens of hazmat-suited…
Iran's armed forces to combat Coronavirus outbreak
The Iranian Army has initiated a campaign to fight against the Corona virus.
Washington Post hypes fake news on coronavirus ‘burial pits’ in Iran
The Washington Post has turned to publishing fake news about Iran’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, claiming that Iran has dug mass "burial…
Good luck to angles of mercy!
As coronavirus spreading all over the world, doctors, nurses, paramedics and all other health care workers are now in the front line of fighting…
US shamelessly denies blocking Iran-bound food, medicine: Foreign Ministry
Tehran says the United States has blocked the entry of foodstuffs and medicine into Iran through its unlawful sanctions, but shamelessly denies…
WHO praised Iran's tough measures to combat coronavirus
World Health Organization representatives acknowledged Iran's all- out efforts to contain the coronavirus outbreak.
Iranian leading research teams to focus on coronavirus disease suppression
Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki urged country's medical universities leading research teams to focus on coronavirus disease suppression…
Latest on Coronavirus in Iran
According to the latest statistics, 543 new cases of COVID-19, and 43 deaths have been reported by the state media.
WHO impressed by Iran’s efforts to contain coronavirus
World Health Organization Regional Emergency Director says he has been impressed to witness how Iran is countering the hit from the coronavirus…
Iran counter outbreak despite cruel sanctions
Referring to the cruel and inhuman sanctions aimed at putting pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Iranian embassy in Belgium announced…
Iran, France solidarity over COVID-19
“The French authorities show their solidarity with the Iranian government and nation; Coronavirus is not the problem confined to the Iranian…
Leader urges Iranians to heed official directives on coronavirus
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has called on all Iranians to help boost the country’s battle to stem a growing…
Laughing best weapon to fight new coronavirus
During the novel coronavirus outbreak, laughter can bring people together and leave positive physical and emotional changes in the body.
President Rouhani:
All nations, governments should stand by each other in fighting coronavirus
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on all nations and governments across the world to stand by each other and help fight the outbreak of…
All hospitals well-prepared to admit new COVID-19 patients
In a letter to the universities of medical sciences, the Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Education announced that hospitals should refuse…
COVID-19 diagnostic kits arrives in Iran
The World Health Organization (WHO) sent the fifth consignment of COVID-19 diagnostic kits to Iran.
Isfahan municipality taken preventive measures to combat outbreak of coronavirus
"With the establishment of Novel Coronavirus Response Headquarters in the municipality, we will be able to monitor the public spaces of the city;…
What is coronavirus and what should I do if I have symptoms?
What are the symptoms caused by the Covid-19 virus from Wuhan in China, how does it spread from person to person, and when should you call a…
Coronavirus Spreads in Europe from Italy
Wash your hands. Keep a good supply of essential medicines. Get a flu shot. Experts offer practical tips on how to get ready for a possible outbreak.
Coronavirus outbreak should not be politicized
Ali Rabiei, the government spokesman, condemned any move to politicize outbreak of COVID-19, calling on political groups, parties and media outlets…
Don't come to hospitals noticing slight symptoms
"If anyone is to go to the hospitals with the slightest symptoms, the hospital will be overcrowded and people will be in trouble; At the same…
Pakistan supports Iran’s efforts in managing coronavirus outbreak
Pakistan’s Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on National Health Services has lauded the efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran in managing…
Iraqi Border Authority:
Trade interactions with Iran still running
The Iraqi Border Authority make public in a statement that the trade interactions with Iran are running as before.
Prevention, Treatment of Coronavirus Disease
Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East…
Coronavirus arrived in Iran
"Two suspected cases of corona virus, hospitalized in Qom, have tested positive," the Head of the Health Ministry's Public Relations and Information…