agriculture in iran
Iran's Agricultural Sector Achieves Major Growth Since Islamic Revolution
Since the Islamic Revolution, Iran's agricultural sector has seen substantial advancements, with an annual output valued at over $70 billion.
Iran Settles Debts to Farmers Amid Wheat Self-Sufficiency
The Iranian government has successfully paid off its debts to domestic farmers for this year's wheat purchases, coinciding with a record crop…
Rapeseed Vital Crop for Iranian Farmers, Environment
Rapeseed, a versatile oilseed plant originating from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, has become increasingly significant in Iran's agricultura…
Harvesting Golden Essence: Artistry of Saffron Farmers in Mashhad
In the enchanting city of Mashhad, nestled in the northeastern region of Iran, lies a sight that captivates both the eyes and the soul. It is…
Harvesting Nature's Gems: Timeless Tradition of Pomegranate Gathering in Iran's Saveh Region
In the heartland of Iran's Saveh region, where the sun-touched landscapes stretch as far as the eye can see, lies a realm of pomegranate orchards.…
Tapestry of Unity, Abundance: Urmia's Villagers Embrace Harvest Season with Joy, Tradition
Once a time, in the enchant villages of Urmia nestled in the heart of Iran, there came season that filled the air anticipation and excitement…
Iran announces 32% increase in wheat output from April to May
In the 37 days leading up to May 3, Iran reported a significant rise in its purchases of locally produced wheat.
Groasis planting technology to benefit Iranian farmers
Water scarcity is an enormous challenge for humanity. Agriculture nowadays uses over 73% of all fresh water use.
Shots on harvesting summer products
If you're enjoying late-summer crops like sunflower seeds or wheat, consider what went into growing and harvesting this crops.