Cycle to Work Day
Bicycle riding is one of the best ways to get exercise into your daily routine. But have you ever thought about taking your bicycle and riding…
Bicycle–pedestrian conflicts to be eliminated in Isfahan
"The bicycle–pedestrian conflicts in Chaharbagh zone have turned into a problem; so, the experts of the Municipality's Department for Transportation…
Mashahd devotes particular attention to bicycle
Mashhad Municipality's Director General for Improvement of Urban Environment announced the construction of more than 49 kilometers of special…
Developing 15 km pedestrian zone in Isfahan
Saying that 15 kilometers of pedestrian areas have been constructed in Isfahan since 2017, Norouzi said, "124,000 square meters of the city's…
Traffic Bicycle Patrols Show up in Isfahan's streets
"The objective of the municipality in developing new bike facilities is to remove the single-occupancy vehicle trend and give a place to bicycles…
The municipality of Isfahan to curb air pollution
Nothing that the reconstruction and modernization of Isfahan's bus fleet is on the agenda, Norouzi said, "There are 1,300 kilometers routes…
Isfahan to convert streets into pedestrian spaces
Referring to the action plan of developing 777 Kilometers of new cycling networks in the city and implementing 150 kms of these routes by the…