By Elahe Seyfodin
Wheelchair Warrior; Master Ali's Inspiring Journey from Adversity to Thriving Shoemaker
Each of us adds their special thread to the enormous tapestry of human existence, creating a civilization that is both rich and diverse. Those…
By Elahe Seyfodin
Iran leading way in offering services to people with disabilities
December 3 marks the global observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). This year, the theme is "United in action…
Accessible vans servicing disabled in Isfahan
For normal people, safe, comfortable transportation is not an issue, but transportation can be a serious matter for those who suffers from disabilitie…
Master Ali; the abled shoemaker!
Millions of people in the world live with a disability. It’s hard to make a living while trying to cope with a disability.