Iran is chartering a plane staffing with a number of Infectious disease specialists and an emergency response team (ERT) from Iran to coronavirus-hit Wuhan.

Iran (IMNA) -"70 stranded Iranian students who have been evacuated from coronavirus-Hit Wuhan will being regularly screened for signs of infection in quarantine for two-weeks, after that they will be allowed to return home," Advisor to the Iranian Minister of Health and Medical Education, Alireza Vahabzade, said.

So far, no Iranian student has been reported to come down with the new coronavirus

A seafood wholesale seafood market in Wuhan, China, is blamed as the suspected main source of the coronavirus outbreak that is spreading throughout the globe.

Patients who were affected with the disease all showed the history of being in contact with the seafood market in Wuhan China which is the complex of booths selling meat, wild animals and live fish.

About 20,630 coronavirus cases, 427 deaths and 648 recovered patients have been reported around the world so far.

Coronavirus mainly spread from person-to-person through close contact with one another.

Respiratory droplets of infected person, when coughing or sneezing, are the culprits of the coronavirus outbreak as they can easily penetrate to the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or be inhaled into the lungs.

Coughing, shortness of breath and fever are the primary symptoms of coronavirus infection; the indicators are similar to other respiratory diseases, including flu and the common cold.

Elahe Seyfodin

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