The Hyrcanian broadleaf forest is a montane ecoregion covering about 55 thousand square kilometers near the southern coasts of the Khazar Sea of Iran and Azerbaijan.
Iran (IMNA) - This ecoregion in Iran includes the coast along the Khazar Sea and the northern slopes of the Alborz Mountain range; it covers parts of five provinces of Iran from east to west including: North Khorasan, Golestan, Mazandaran, Gilan and Ardebil. The name of these forests originates from the ancient name of Gorgan, which was formerly called Hyrcan. The word Hyrcania comes from a tribal group once have been living in the current regions of Gilan and Mazandaran.
The Hyrcanian Forests has been inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This area is a global spot of biodiversity and considered as an invaluable natural treasure for the world, with endemic species of birds, mammals including the iconic Persian Leopard, plants, and reptiles. Some species of animal such as Caspian Tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) once lived in these forests, but today they have gone extinct.
The Hyrcanian have been under the threats of cutting trees for construction purposes over the years; by listing the natural heritage in UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is hope that the ancient forests retain its grandeur.
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