"A permanent cultural center is going to be allocated to the environmental issues in order to create culture regarding the waste and source separation management," the CEO of waste management organization of Isfahan municipality said.

Isfahan (IMNA) -"1000 to 1200 tons of waste is produced daily in Isfahan; Isfahani citizens separate about 75 to 80 tons of dry waste by source separation. If we add the amount of dry waste of airports and those collected by the contractors from the city to the aforementioned statistics, it should be announced that about 130 tons of dry waste are collected in 24 hours, which accounts for about 12 to 13 percent of the total produced waste in the city," Ali Dehnavi added.

Stating that the source separation statistics in developed countries is more than 20 percent in 24 hours, the CEO of waste management organization of Isfahan municipality said, "The statistics indicate that more efforts should be made in this regard. However, one of the required infrastructures is training and creating culture."

"Although Isfahni citizens are pioneer in the country regarding source separation, we are still away from the international standards. We must strive to reach the statistics of advanced countries," he emphasized.

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