Unlocking English Proficiency: Discover 7 Dynamic Strategies to Learn Through News

Learning English through the news is one of the best ways to improve vocabulary, listening and individual discussion skills. You can choose the instructional materials from various news sources like newspapers and live TV shows to add a new flavor to the English language teaching program.

Iran (IMNA) - Journalists should use standard and formal English to speak and write news. Since the duty of journalists is to present the material in a clear and concise manner, learning English through news is a very useful and efficient tool for language learners.

Have you ever thought about the origin of the word "News"? This word is derived from the Latin word "nova", which means "new things", which is in line with the original nature of news that provides us with the latest and most up-to-date topics. When you learn English through the news, you have the opportunity to learn about the latest issues in the world and get involved in related discussions by leaving comments on social media posts.

English language news is presented in several different ways, which gives you many choices when learning English. If your weakness is in reading, there are online newspapers and simple news for language learners. If you're looking to improve your listening skills and vocabulary, there are news channels, podcasts, and YouTube videos that will help you strengthen your weak points.

New news is created daily on any topic! Anything that interests you or catches your attention, you will find a related article in the news. All you have to do is search for them on web pages.

How to improve your English with the news (7 tricks for studying)

News files can be your "personal classroom" to help you learn everyday English. The news that is written is very short and direct, which helps you understand the content better and easier and practice reading. Instead, literature and fiction books use complex language structures and words, which are much harder to understand.

When you listen to, read or watch English language news, you get to know new words or phrases. Keep a pen and a notebook with you so that when you get to know these useful words, write them down somewhere. It is better to create categories for yourself and learn similar words better by using these categories. For example, political words, war, celebrity gossip, sports, etc. Select different groupings based on the topic to learn vocabulary more easily.

Note: Write down only the words that are repeated repeatedly. If you try to learn all of them, not only will you not learn anything, but the words that are similar to them will also be erased from your mind.

This technique refers to practicing speaking aloud and repeating words, which helps you practice pronunciation and new words. First, read the news and new articles aloud, then take a pencil and write down the words in a corner, then refer to online dictionaries, check the pronunciations, after listening to the speaker's voice, repeat with your own voice.

One of the most effective and best ways to improve understanding is to first read the text very quickly to understand the main point, then write a summary of the learned material on the sheet. After writing a short summary, turn it into the form of headings so that it becomes an exercise for your IELTS and TOEFL tests. Be sure to ask a friend or professor to look over the summarized material for you.

Watching the news not only improves your vocabulary but also improves your listening skills to a great extent. The images shown in the news help you to understand the speaker's words more easily. Listening to English news is like learning to play the piano - you will learn to play slowly at first, then with more practice you will get faster.

How many times a day do you check your phone? Maybe it is so much that you have forgotten it! Try to use your mobile to learn English. All newspapers and news websites have their own applications or social media platforms. This makes it possible to read the news at every moment.

For this exercise, you need a friend who is fluent in English, and set aside enough time each week to choose the desired subject. Then allocate a time and place to discuss what you read with your friends and teacher. Always prepare a list of questions to ask your friends during the conversation, and remember that you learn best by asking.

Everyone likes to comment on what is happening around them. So why not use this background to improve our English? Find an interesting topic, then read other people's opinions on that subject as well. Finally, write your comments to start a conversation.

News ID 787974


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