Zoo Animals Suffer Devastating Consequences of Heatwave

As the scorching summer temperatures continue to soar, the animals at Isfahan's Sofeh Zoo are facing a severe crisis, with many exhibiting symptoms of heatstroke.

Iran (IMNA) - As the city of Isfahan experiences an unprecedented heat wave, temperatures have reached record-breaking levels, with the hottest hours of the day often exceeding 42 degrees Celsius. The lack of a significant temperature difference between the coolest and hottest hours has resulted in a relentless burning heat that persists throughout the day and night.

Zoo Animals Suffer Devastating Consequences of Heatwave

The scorching heat has been compounded by poor air quality, prompting the government to take extraordinary measures to protect public health and reduce energy consumption. Offices have been closed or working hours adjusted to minimize exposure to the extreme heat. Citizens have also been advised to avoid outdoor activities during peak hours, from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, to mitigate the risks of heatstroke, air pollution, and ultraviolet radiation.

However, the world of animals is facing a starkly different reality. Kept in cages for various reasons, these animals are helpless against the crushing heat and have no escape from the relentless pressure.

Zoo Animals Suffer Devastating Consequences of Heatwave

The majestic king of the jungle, typically a formidable creature, is seen wrapping himself in oregano leaves to alleviate his fever and heat, a desperate attempt to cope with the extreme conditions. Meanwhile, the forest cat, usually a agile and agile hunter, is succumbing to heat-induced faintness, rendering it unable to venture out of its enclosure.

The primates, too, are suffering the consequences of heat stress, as they engage in constant bickering and fighting due to their discomfort. The hounds, normally energetic and playful, are exhibiting signs of restlessness, emaciation, and diarrhea, a stark indication of their distress. Even the zoo's gray wolf has not been immune to the heatwave, showing visible signs of heatstroke in these animals.

Zoo Animals Suffer Devastating Consequences of Heatwave

According to statistics released in recent years, Sofeh Isfahan Zoo is home to 310 animals from 30 different species. These animals are typically housed in enclosures designed to provide optimal conditions for their well-being, but even these measures are being severely tested by the relentless heat. The zoo's management has been working tirelessly to mitigate the effects of the heatwave, but it is clear that more needs to be done to ensure the welfare and safety of these animals.

As the heatwave shows no signs of abating, concerns are growing about the long-term impact it may have on the animals at Sofeh Isfahan Zoo. With temperatures expected to remain high for the foreseeable future, it is imperative that the zoo takes immediate action to address this crisis and ensure that these animals receive the care and attention they need to thrive.

News ID 779398


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