Paris Olympics Under Shadow of Gaza War: 400 Palestinian Athletes Killed, Leaving Palestine with Meager Representation

The 2024 Olympic Games have officially begun in Paris, but the global sporting community is reeling from the devastating impact of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. At least 400 Palestinian athletes have been killed in the war on Gaza since October 7, according to figures provided by the Palestinian Olympic Committee and Palestine Football Association (PFA).

Iran (IMNA) - The loss of so many potential Olympians has left Palestine with a mere eight representatives at the games, a stark contrast to the over 10,000 athletes from more than 200 countries attending the event. The figures released by the PFA reveal that 245 footballers, including 69 children and 176 young men, have been killed in the conflict.

The destruction caused by the war has also had a significant impact on sports infrastructure in Gaza. Human rights monitor Euro-Med reported that numerous sports facilities were destroyed, including 300 five-a-side courts, 22 swimming courts, and six tennis stadiums. The PFA stated that "the entire football infrastructure in Gaza has been either destroyed or severely damaged" in a letter to FIFA last month.

Despite international calls for a ban on Israeli participation in the Olympics due to their actions in Gaza, Israel has still sent a delegation of at least 88 athletes to the games. The event's inauguration ceremony was attended by over 10,000 athletes from around the world.

News ID 775315


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