Iran Rejects Arab League's "Baseless" Accusations, Denounces Interference in Internal Affairs

In a strongly worded letter to the United Nations Security Council, Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, Amir Saeed Iravani, rejected the "false and baseless" claims made by the Arab League against the Islamic Republic.

Iran (IMNA) - According to sources, the letter was sent on Saturday local time and slammed the Arab League's declaration as an "obvious and unfair interference" in Iran's internal affairs. The letter specifically took aim at the Bahraini representative to the UN, who had raised concerns about Iranian Islands as part of the declaration.

In the letter, Ambassador Iravani categorically rejected the accusations and condemned them as unfounded. The exact contents of the letter have been made public, but it is understood that it will be presented to the Security Council for consideration.

The move comes amid growing tensions between Iran and the Arab League, which has accused Tehran of various human rights abuses and regional destabilization. Iran has denied all allegations and vowed to take action to protect its sovereignty.

The following is the letter from the Iranian envoy to the UNSC:


Upon instructions from my Government, I am writing to you concerning the declaration of the League of Arab States annexed to the letter dated 20 May 2024 from the Permanent Representative of Bahrain to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (A/78/896-S/2024/397). The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns and categorically rejects the unjustified and baseless allegation against its sovereignty and territorial integrity in Paragraph 11 of the League of Arab States’ declaration and considers it a flagrant and unjustified interference in its internal affairs. This action directly contradicts the spirit of good neighborliness and constitutes a blatant violation of the fundamental principles of international law and the United Nations Charter, particularly the well-established principles of sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs. The Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms its sovereignty over the Iranian islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb in the Persian Gulf.

The Islamic Republic of Iran also rejects and condemns the use of a fabricated name for the Persian Gulf in Paragraphs 11 and 16 of the aforementioned declaration. Iran reiterates that "The Persian Gulf" is the only legitimate and valid geographical designation for the body of water between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula, a name that has been used since ancient times. All reputable cartographic organizations recognize and refer to this marine area as the "Persian Gulf" that must be respected by all.

I should be grateful if you would have the present letter circulated as a document of Security Council.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

News ID 769831


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