Iran's Mangrove Ecosystem Under Threat from Human Activities

Mangrove biome are diverse ecosystems that provide particular advantages to both the planet and human beings, such as fostering fish productivity, storing carbon, and minimizing flooding risks.

Iran (IMNA) - Mangrove trees support tiny fish and amphibians on their roots, while above the water they provide habitat for birds.

These tropical plants are as recognized a safe place for turtles and crustaceans like shrimp and crabs where they dig chambers to lay their eggs. Mangrove forests provide a suitable habitat for thousands of aquatic species and have a key role in preserving the coastal nature.

In tropical coastal regions, the mangrove tree provides a nourishing home for all water creatures, including seabirds. Furthermore, when there is no grazing in the desert, animals like sheep and camels depend on the tree's leaves for survival.

Iran is home to one of the mangroves' most distinctive ecosystems. There are 107 different kinds of mangroves; the Hara and Chandel species are the two that are most common in the country.

The majority of Iran's mangrove forests are found in the Avicenna marina, also called Hara in respect of the Iranian scholar Abu-Ali-Sina, who lived in the eleventh century. The Hara forests region in Iran spans about 27,000 hectares.

Along the Sea of Oman coast, the trees stretch from Govater Bay in the southeast Sistan-Baluchestan province to Nayband Bay in the southwest Bushehr province.

These forests are found in the southern Hormozgan province, namely in areas like Khamir Port and Qeshm Island. However, a portion of these woods can be found at the Khor Azini site in Sirik County, Hormozgan, which is home to the rhizophora mucronata species, Chandel.

Mangrove-covered regions were designated as conservation areas by the national government in 1972. It was approved and designated as a biosphere reserve in 1976.

The Strait of Khuran's preserved mangrove forests, flower gardens, and streams were recognized as significant wetlands of international significance (Ramsar site) in 1977.

An international convention known as the RAMSAR Convention went into effect in 1971. The Ramsar Wetlands are locations that have been included under the Convention on Wetlands on the List of Wetlands of International Importance, or the "Ramsar List".

The mangrove forests play a vital role in preserving the biodiversity of the coastal regions by protecting coral reefs and controlling erosion through sediment stabilization. It also provides aquatic creatures with the environment they need, allowing them to spend their early stages of development and reproduction there. not to

While the country's forest areas cannot be given to natural or legal persons and any destruction or pollution of wetland is forbidden by current laws, the Khorbardestan Dayyer wetland and its mangrove forests are seriously in danger because of road construction and the establishment of a shrimp breeding site.

Local environmental activists claim that building any kind of structure or taking such an action will stop fresh water from getting to the mangrove forests, which will eventually cause them to dry up. It is best to halt building within the mangrove zone's tidal range and avoid permanently forcing the birds to migrate away from the region.

News ID 760047


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