Power of Green English: Uniting the World to Combat Environmental Challenges

Environmental challenges are global concerns in today's world where many countries around the world are struggling with nature-threatening problems like pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Such Issues that are almost universal across the planet reveal a need of a shared language to tackle them with a universal language; For many, that language is English.

Iran (IMNA) - Learning English is important for environmental awareness and how it can empower people to make a difference. English has become the language franca of worldwide communication, including the environmental one. Major environmental studies, worldwide summits, and scientific research are primarily in English. Being fluent in English provides access to various information and chances for activism and education, then easy exchange of solutions and ideas.

Learning English by immersing in the environmental information world

Access to Information: The majority of scientific Studies and news articles on environmental issues are published in English. Knowing English helps people to access the most recent information, remain up to date on global trends, and form their preferences on triggering the issues.

Participation in Global Communication: International environmental conferences and summits, such as the Conference on Environmental Science and Green Technology (ICESGT), are mostly conducted in English. People who know English have more chances to take part in conversations and play their roles in global actions. English also allows people to connect with supporters who have a strong interest in or knowledge of the natural environment all around the world, share ideas, and work together on international initiatives.

Learn English with Environmental Texts

One successful way to learn English is through content-based training, which combines language acquisition with subject-matter learning. The best way to initialize environmentally friendly principles to the global population is through teaching especially from primary schools when learners are shaping their perspectives toward the world around them. This is when they can be taught to be responsible toward their planet and be a mindful child for Mother Earth. The important point here is that teaching in the mother tongue is the primary preference, however, English is the dominant language for exchanging environmental knowledge and experiences.So how we can start an environmental-centered education?

Power of Green English: Uniting the World to Combat Environmental Challenges

Here's how students may mix their English studies and environmental education:

Reading and Vocabulary: eco-literature included in scientific articles, websites, and books enhances reading abilities and supports the development of a specialized environmental lexicon. Words and phrases like green energy, climate change, and biodiversity become part of the everyday language and a learner tries to shape an environmentalist mind.
To internalize the environmentally friendly concepts, the educator can provide multiple images related to environmental themes (e.g., recycling, conservation, pollution) and ask students to match each image with a simple sentence or phrase that describes it.

Listening and Speaking: Watching environment-related programs focusing on issues like water scarcity and participating in talks is a good way to help students improve their listening abilities.
To enhance speaking abilities, a teacher can provide role-play scenarios for students about an environmental issue like drying up wetlands, and ask them to create a performance in groups to negotiate the problem and find solutions.

Writing and Critical Thinking: Writing articles or reports on environmental concerns helps students to think critically about these issues while also improving their writing skills. As a useful activity, an educator can ask students to write a story explaining what is happening in an image displaying an environmental problem. This activity helps build writing skills and encourages thinking about the various aspects of an issue.

Planet Earth is confronted with many environmental challenges, so it is necessary to equip future generations with a global language necessary to launch universal dialogues about these issues effectively.
By familiarizing students with eco literature from an early age and involving English language learning in the curriculum, we can empower young learners to become mindful environmentalists and work towards a more sustainable world.

Power of Green English: Uniting the World to Combat Environmental Challenges

News ID 733983


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