Tourism, Air Pollution, Productivity; three main axes of Isfahan 1405 action plan

 ‌‌‌‌"The sixth comprehensive plan entitled "Isfahan 1405" which has been submitted to the Islamic City Council of Isfahan focuses on three main fields of tourism development, reducing air pollution, and increasing productivity," the Head of Budget and Planning Department at the Municipality of Isfahan said.

Iran (IMNA) – Pointing to coding the vision project of Isfahan, Saeed Ebrahimi said, "The model that has followed by the urban management department of Isfahan Municipality is a bottom-up movement one that helps the municipality to determine the main issues of the city."

"The pattern of coding the vision is a participatory movement based on which people at different levels such as specialists, experts, executive agencies, and citizens can involve jointly," he emphasized.

Saying that three to four financial resources have been considered to financing the project, he added, "Part of the income is obtained by using loans and participation bonds, and the other parts are sources achieved through sustainable taxes like renovation tolls, and centralized capacities such as the value-added, pollution and fuel taxes."

"The third part is the construction revenues which constitute 70 percent income of Isfahan municipalities; we will figure them in the form of some scientific and statistical models," he continued.

Saying that according to the initial estimate, about 50 to 60 thousand billion toman of total resources has been foreseen for Isfahan 1405 action plan, he said, "Isfahan 1405 project will be defined in two parts; one part includes current and continuous projects that the municipality should maintain them regardless any other programs, and the other part is strategic projects that can bring fundamental changes in the city."

News ID 450817


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