Isfahan (IMNA) – "If water flows in the Zayande-Rood River again, a several-thousand-year-old culture will be saved as the river and traditions are dependent upon each other. The old traditions and vitality of people in Isfahan will be disappeared when the river dries; so, if the drought situation remains unchanged, the traditions must go through the way to form again during thousands of years," Mohammad Eidi said. "Flowing water in the ZayandehRood River and creating cultural and social vitality require civil, formal, and even inter-provincial convergence to make Iran a happier country than before," he continued.
"The cultural, social, and sport organization of Isfahan municipality has departed some groups to Shahrekord and Yazd regarding preserving the intercultural relations of the provinces that are located along the Zayande-Rood River and the central plateau of Iran to announce that if we are facing the water crisis, we need to maintain our cultural coherence; in this regard, some good measures have been carried out, such as establishing a good relationship between press institutions of Isfahan and Shahrekor," he noted.
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