Melaneysan synagogue belonging to the late Qaja is located before Mahiforoushan crossroad, in Ghaz Bazaar, Ghiam Square, Joobare neighborhood, Isfahan. This monument is registered in the list of national monument of Iran on May 10, 2007, with the registration number of 19037.

Isfahan (IMNA) - This building was built in 5675 Hebrew year, and the construction of its altar has been completed in 5680. This synagogue is one of the most beautiful synagogues in Esfahan, despite its simple outer appearance. The level of this synagogue is lower than the level of the alley's surface for about 1 meter. Although this synagogue is like the other synagogues, the method of decorating its ceiling is different from other synagogue.

This synagogue has one of the most beautiful holy ark for Torah with many decorations. Decorative steles are visible in the western facade. This building is the most popular synagogue in Joobareh neighbourhood regarding its decorative plastering. This synagogue has two large windows in the western facade. The ladies section which is located in a floor in the eastern facade is also joined to the synagogue building.

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