July 31: World Ranger Day Celebrates Courage and Sacrifice in  Name of Conservation

Rangers and environmental defenders are at the forefront of protecting animals, natural resources, and ecosystems, even if it means sacrificing their lives. July 31 is a special day globally, as the world honors rangers who have been injured or killed while serving.

Iran (IMNA) - Some jobs in this world are solely driven by adventure and love. The duty of a wildlife ranger is similar. There is no material incentive for them to pursue this job, but their love of nature and conservation motivates them. Wildlife rangers, who are also acting as law enforcement officers, environmentalists, and nature guardians, face life-threatening situations on a regular basis while working in severe environmental conditions with inadequate basic amenities.

Today (July 31) is World Ranger Day, a day to remember and honor those who have dedicated their lives to protecting the world's natural resources and have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Designating a day for environmental rangers emphasizes the importance of supporting those who have committed their lives to conserving animals and natural areas, as well as acknowledging their work and hardships.

Ranger job is typically physically demanding. These men and women are stationed in isolated field areas for extended periods of time, often weeks or months apart from their families. Rangers may serve in an official role or as concerned members of the community, and they may be paid or volunteer. Salaries are often low, and teams frequently lack the essential equipment, training, or working conditions for the task.

Ranger job is also risky. Guarding some of the world's most endangered and heavily traded animals, such as elephants, tigers, and rhinos, puts rangers' lives in peril from armed and brutal poachers. 

July 31: World Ranger Day Celebrates Courage and Sacrifice in  Name of Conservation

The theme for 2024 World Ranger Day is "30 by 30", which is based on the 2022 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), where world leaders and decision-makers committed to a Global Biodiversity Framework. This emphasizes the need to successfully conserve and manage at least 30% of the earth by 2030 ("30 by 30").

Rangers and nature conservation workers are at the forefront of this nature conservation practice, which includes state employees, Indigenous peoples, community and voluntary guardians, and individuals from privately managed areas. Their responsibilities include protection, conservation, monitoring, disaster management, law enforcement, education, community assistance, and regulation of sustainable use.

Environmental defenders help prevent deforestation, biodiversity loss, and deterioration of ecosystem functioning. Responsible rangers protect the rights of people who rely on nature for their survival and culture.

July 31: World Ranger Day Celebrates Courage and Sacrifice in  Name of Conservation

In Iran, October 29 has been designated as "Ranger Day" on the national calendar. Currently, there is one ranger for every 30,000 to 40,000 hectares of protected lands in Iran, which means that one ranger should be assigned to 1,000 to 3,000 hectares. The scarcity of environmentalists in relation to protected places is a perennial issue.

The lack of current technology in ranger vehicles, such as CCTV cameras and GPS, raises hazards and reduces their efficacy. Iran's Department of Environmental Protection has offered modern equipment and wireless communication capabilities to aid in their operations. Nature guards underline the importance of drones and quadcopters for effective surveillance, as poachers have superior facilities and modern weaponry.

Over 100 vertebrate species in the country are under risk of extinction, while approximately 160 are protected. Some species, such as the Asiatic cheetah, great bustard, and fallow deer, are at high risk of extinction, while others have restricted habitats. Some creatures are subject to illegal trafficking, while habitats of other species are devastated.

Each of these species has distinct challenges and requires specific conservation techniques. To adequately maintain the country's ecosystem, the number of rangers should be increased by tenfold.

We should take a moment to praise Iranian rangers who have been working tirelessly to safeguard the nature of our country. Let us plant a tree on this special day as a symbol of our respect for all park rangers.

News ID 776993


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