Iran's Presidential Candidates Debate Social and Cultural Issues in Third Televised Showdown

The third televised debate in the 2024 Iranian presidential election took place, with six contenders presenting their blueprints on the country's cultural and social issues.[1] This debate follows the first, which focused on economic matters, and the second, which centered on socio-economic policies.

Iran (IMNA) - Campaigning for the snap presidential election, scheduled for June 28, is in full swing, with six candidates in the fray—Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, Masoud Pezeshkian, Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, Alireza Zakani, Mostafa Pourmohammadi, and Saeed Jalili—pulling out all the stops to win voters' favor.

Here are highlights of the third televised presidential debate hosted by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB).


  • My record during the Islamic Revolution is clear, and I am accountable for my actions. Thanks to God, I have stood on the right side of history through all ups and downs.
  • I have a reform plan for the country, and I do not hesitate to articulate it. I express it clearly and loudly.
  • Experts have told me that my economic plan will transform the country.

Ghazizadeh Hashemi:

  • Any current that seeks to sow discord among the Iranian people is not our benefactor.
  • We will strengthen the support fund for artists, tourism activists and media professionals.
  • It has been 14 years since the production of the "Mokhtarnameh" series and we have not achieved anything at that level ever since.
  • I will deal with filtering (in the virtual space) according to societal norms.


  • We have many opportunities for cultural exchanges ahead of us. A world eager to hear our voice in the cultural sphere awaits us.
  • If our president or cultural managers alongside marketing for high-tech technologies also present a cultural product, such as "Fire and Wind" and music album "Ninawa" etc, it can create a world of opportunities.
  • Cultural productions can conquer the world.
  • The series "Mokhtar" provided the grounds for cultural unity between Iran and Iraq.
  • Cultural work begins with the government itself and reforms political culture.


  • Women should be in a position where they can play a constructive role.
  • There is no difference between men and women in ideological terms. Our women can also occupy the same positions as our men.
  • In the past three years, some businesses have faced challenges in the virtual space. What have we done for those whose livelihood depends on this space.
  • Regarding art, film and cinema, the next government should formulate policies and oversee them, delegating authority to cinemas and theaters.


  • Leader of the Islamic Revolution undoubtedly stands as a unique figure in the realm of cultural and artistic issues in various dimensions, recognized globally in this field.
  • In the year 2016, Leader advised cultural managers that "thousands of grassroots initiatives by people engaged in cultural works should develop day by day, and cultural institutions should support them."
  • Just as we should have popular participation in the economy, which we haven't fully achieved, we should also make culture similarly participatory.
  • Definitely, we need an organizational structure for culture, similar to the medical and engineering systems, where cultural professionals themselves manage it.


  • Let's judge the past in a way that we would like future generations to judge and evaluate us.
  • We should trust the women of our country and utilize their capabilities for the development of the country.
  • We must choose between maximum attraction or narrow-minded policies.
  • People must choose between a government that evades responsibilities and a government that is committed.


  • In the cultural, social, and economic domains, we practically see people's participation. The government serves as a supporter.
  • A supportive government aims to create a suitable cultural environment and platform.
  • We must consider culture as the axis of other systems and accept education and training as a driving force.
  • We must respect cultural and artistic figures. We need them to have the greatest impact and collaboration and cooperation with people.

Ghazizadeh Hashemi:

  • We must accept that IRIB is not the sole actor in our cultural sphere anymore. Many platforms have taken up a significant space and many competitors have emerged.
  • We should strive to advance the cultural affairs of the country with the cultural community. This cannot be achieved except through trust and entrusting work to them and through self-control.
  • If someone had a good comedy production or a creative educational program in the virtual space, they must definitely have a share of the bandwidth sales to be encouraged.
  • The next government should subsidize books, cinema, and family entertainment.


  • President should be able to play a leadership role in the country's cultural arena and manage cultural budgets.
  • Cultural management is not like casual banking where money is just spent. Reporting on the outcomes of cultural budgets is very important.
  • Cultural budgets should not just be spent on furniture, chairs, and flashy equipment. They should be seen in cultural outputs.
  • Systematizing and standardizing cultural productions based on logic and law is very important.
  • Today we have 34 million computer gamers with billions of tomans in financial circulation. This represents an opportunity for us.
  • Productions like "The Cunning Little Kid" and "The Elephant King", which find a global market, also represent opportunities.


  • The government should refrain from interference (in art and culture) and should be the policymaker and overseer of programs.
  • The government should delegate tasks to organizations, institutions, and the private sector.
  • Assessment should be transparent and according to the law, not be subjective.
  • My government will be a cultural government. I will not allow any interference from other agencies in the field of culture.
  • Intellectual property law is a necessity.
  • Necessary resources for producing outstanding works must be provided for IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting).


  • We must strive to keep culture away from political decisions and politicization so that it does not suffer damage.
  • Culture has depth; it has owners, individuals, and pioneers. In the cultural sphere, people produce culture and consume it themselves.
  • When we talk about culture, we must focus on its infrastructure, artists, cultural practitioners, their livelihoods, and content.
  • As a public servant during 12 years as the Mayor of Tehran, I pursued the subject of culture with this very approach.


  • Intellectual property rights is a very serious issue. One of the misfortunes of culture and art is these cultural and artistic thefts that cause a lot of harm.
  • We must pay attention to the lives of our cultural and artistic figures.
  • We should focus on monitoring and strengthening the private sector in the book/publishing industry.
  • Let the private sector have a stronger presence in the area of culture.
  • Our mission in the government is to defend cultural identity, cultural justice, and the rights of creators and artists.


  • Government's duty is to support people in producing proper cultural and artistic works.
  • "Without Body," a film produced by the Cultural and Artistic Organization of the Tehran Municipality, has become the best-selling social film in the country.
  • Attention will be paid to artists and the art credit fund in (my) government of service.
  • I will prevent the interference of non-specialized agencies in the cultural sector.

Qazizadeh Hashemi:

  • The government must play a leading role in the cultural sector. The field of culture needs to be supported by governments.
  • Today, Iranian culture is under attack. Drawn series like "Hashashin" is made by Egyptians, shaping our history as they wish. This is due to our shortcomings and inefficiencies.
  • We should support outstanding works. It is not good for drama works such as "Salman Farsi" to take years to be ready.
  • We have great historical heroes. Our martyrs who are our great heroes. Others do not have heroes and want to create heroes for themselves. But we have heroes and we must narrate their stories and introduce them to the world.
  • We have been able to convey the discourse of resistance to American universities. Can't we convey Iranian culture and heritage?


  • Our country's history is full of cultural productions, which is a source of pride for us.
  • Today, we have very valuable technical infrastructure and human resources for cultural production. The enemy is making every effort to hinder this.
  • Just as America tries to prevent us from nuclear technology or other industries, it also makes such efforts in the field of arts.
  • Since the enemy couldn't prevent our infrastructure development, now it wants to distort the software and hinder our hopes.
  • One of the fundamental tasks for cultural productions is for the government to understand its grand plan, and the cultural manager must have these qualifications.
  • Our cultural manager must be someone recognized among artists, experts, and cultural creators, accepted by them, and capable of guiding the youth in this field.


  • We have issues regarding cinema and art that need to be addressed.
  • The process of obtaining permits needs to be revised so that films can participate in international festivals.
  • In the future government, we will definitely support filmmakers and artists to overcome obstacles.


  • We need to safeguard the internet, but without restrictions.
  • We need to safeguard the internet, but without restrictions.
  • I was a member of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace due to my position in the parliament. I can mention five practical points regarding the virtual space:
  1. We must unconditionally support successful domestic (virtual) platforms.
  2. We need to establish and strengthen the security of businesses.
  3. We are seriously lagging behind in content production. Infrastructure is being prepared now, but the government must support and reward content production in this area.
  4. Precise and intelligent monitoring of the virtual space is also necessary to alleviate concerns from families, especially about our youth.
  5. It's essential to collaborate with an international platform.
  • We must support successful domestic platforms. We are seriously lagging behind in content production.
  • Justice is fundamental everywhere, including in cultural and artistic domains.
  • Cultural equity is one of our cultural challenges that requires thoughtful consideration.


  • Martyr Raeisi launched a great project: "Art for All". The idea was very interesting, though unfortunately it did not reach completion due to his tragic death. It should be pursued.
  • Speaking from my experience in this field, I believe we should aim for cultural security, which can provide a platform for growth and advancement.
  • Our revolution has been a cultural revolution and in these 40 years, we have had many achievements.
  • We must elevate capacities throughout Iran with proper management and utilize them effectively domestically and internationally

Ghazizadeh Hashemi:

  • As rulers, just as we care for the mental, spiritual, and psychological well-being of our own children, we should have this feeling for children of other Iranian families. What effect do immoral websites have on the mental and spiritual well-being of our children?
  • We must develop content production, bandwidth, and infrastructure, which has been done in the 13th government, so that they cannot impose restrictions on us.


  • 8 percent of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) comes from the virtual space, which should reach 20 percent .
  • Virtual space has become as real as people's lives, with various dimensions, and it is the duty of governments to minimize threats in this space.
  • It is the right of the people to preserve their data and prevent fraud and misconduct.
  • How can freedom be sustained? When there is accountability. Intelligent accountability must happen, both for domestic and international platforms.
  • The national network has grown by 60 percent in this government, 96 percent of villages with over 20 households have internet access. These are the efforts of President Raeisi government.
  • All Iranians should be producers in the virtual space, even those without goods and services, by actively producing educational content.


  • If we improve internet infrastructure, we should not increase obstacles to people's access.
  • If we want to not lag behind in the future, for example in Artificial Intelligence, it is necessary to have internet communications with the world, taking into account the security constraints that we must consider.
  • Intellectuals should not leave our country. We should prepare the ground so that they do not have to leave.


  • The 13th government and the 11th parliament did not impose any restrictions on the national information network, and the progress of these projects exceeds 70 percent.
  • Leader of the Islamic Revolution has decreed that access to personal domains in the virtual space is strictly prohibited. We too must build public trust.
  • Cryptocurrency space provides an opportunity to circumvent sanctions.


  • The VPN issue is happening right in front of all of us, and 50 percent of its financial circulation is in the virtual space.
  • About 10 to 12 years ago, I declared cooperation and partnership with foreign messaging platforms provided policies of their countries were in line with ours, and then we had localization.


  • There is no nation or government that abandons its land and public thoughts.
  • Filtering differs from safeguarding. Some initially recklessly allowed messaging platforms to emerge without control.
  • Foreign messaging apps can also come (to Iran) provided they commit to (the country's) laws.

Qazizadeh Hashemi:

  • The internet is a fundamental commodity, intertwined with life itself.
  • One of the best occupations for women is online jobs, allowing them to manage both household responsibilities and their own businesses.
  • Criticism and oversight of officials are not possible (today) without the internet.
  • Development of infrastructures in the country was halted for a decade, including the national information network.
  • We have a shortage of experienced and specialized human resources in this field who migrate as soon as they become experts because they get substantial incomes abroad.
  • Under the 13th government, fixed internet speed increased from 9 to 14 megabits per second. Mobile internet speed increased from 22 to 36 megabits per second. However, these improvements are not noticeable due to the use of circumvention tools.
  • Precise and scientific filtering has not been implemented. We filtered Google Play and some games, which is a form of public harassment.
  • The best filter is the community norms. We should empower families to impose restrictions on internet usage, and various models are available for this purpose.


  • In the world today, digital platforms play a significant role, and many governments are either internationalizing their platforms or adopting strict measures for platforms of other countries, like what the US did with TikTok or the twin laws that France has passed for the digital space.
  • In the field of Artificial Intelligence, there are concerns globally. It's one of the tools of Western domination. They restrict scientific sites for our youth and censor Haj Qassem's photos on international platforms.
  • Communication platforms can be the platform for the leap of Iranian nation.
  • If you allocate 10 percent of the internet to those who produce content using available capacities, it will create a broad employment base.


  • What's the need to filter the internet? We should set it free. Twitter is a place for education, and we can teach many things through it.
  • Government should not manage culture. This work belongs to seminaries, mosques, schools, and universities.


  • I believe that the virtual space is people's living space in all its dimensions. Like the real world, we have a life in the virtual space and we live in it.
  • I am definitely against filtering because it will have many dangers and lead to a lot of corruption.
  • The virtual space is an opportunity for us. We make decisions under certain conditions and turn them into threats.
  • Culture, in fact, means that people produce and consume themselves. Governments should navigate, produce, and guide.


  • We must understand the virtual space, grasp its importance, evaluate threats accurately, and capitalize on opportunities.
  • Our children have grown up with the virtual space since their early childhood. The solution is not to deprive ourselves of opportunities to combat harms.
  • We should not only focus on filtering. Currently, we are also dealing with the proxy filter mafia.
  • We are a capable country with high scientific potential, and we are also capable in content production.
  • We need to establish a strong messaging platform. My primary concern has always been to create a capable messaging platform to meet domestic, regional, and global needs.


  • As a father of three daughters and as a husband, I believe balancing homemaking, marital responsibilities, and child-rearing is entirely achievable.
  • Women's issues cannot be addressed with mere slogans. Women inside and outside their homes need security.
  • Freedom is the right of the people, and the Islamic Revolution has granted this right.

Ghazizadeh Hashemi:

  • The message from our women is that discrimination against women means restricting their access to facilities and job opportunities.
  • 94 percent of our women have university education, but 56 percent of them are unemployed.
  • We have 3.5 million athletes, 40 percent of whom are women. How much of the sports facilities are allocated to women?
  • The main issue for our youth is that the government support them. In (my) government, we have allocated 1 billion toman in credit for Iranian families to use for employment, dowry, marriage, etc.
  • The government is obliged to employ women with children and provide facilities such as affordable childcare centers.


  • We must not allow the glorious role of Iranian women in various fields to be censored.
  • Let's look at the role of housewives, why isn't their role recognized? Through proper upbringing of children and creating a safe environment within the family, they contribute to raising youth who are agents of progress in society.
  • Is there recognition, appreciation, and support for housewives or not?
  • We have plans to strengthen families. Hijab is the dress code of women's social presence to preserve and strengthen the sanctity of the family.


  • We are against any coercion or harsh treatment towards anyone, let alone women.
  • Behavior won't change with laws. Just as they couldn't forcibly remove Hijab from Iranian women before, we will not be able to impose Hijab on them forcefully.


  • Poor dress and lack of Hijab are harmful to the family and society, and we should not allow this to happen.
  • The Hijab and Chastity Bill outlines how things should be done. Violence against (those not observing) Hijab is condemned. The institutions with cultural roles are not doing their part regarding Hijab, and as a result everything falls to the police.
  • In the Seventh Development Plan, our target is the family, and we have supported women in families to prevent the reduction of their households' resources.


  • Hijab is a religious and legal requirement, and we all accept that. For 40 years, we have been trying to promote Islamic dress. We have spent a lot of public funds on this through media, universities, schools etc, but we have not achieved the desired result.

Alireza Zakani:

  • Many statements are merely slogans. Islam places women and girls in a position where they have opportunities, not issues.
  • In the 1980s, Imam Khomeini issued a statement saying that we should not interfere in anyone's private sphere. In the public domain, public laws govern, and there are established laws that prevail.
  • When discussing (the issue of) Hijab, we should speak precisely. Hijab is both a religious and legal matter.

Qazizadeh Hashemi:

  • Today is the birthday of our dear Reyhaneh, the girl in the pink jacket with heart-shaped earrings, symbolizing the violence of the cannibalistic West. The West's view of women is seen in the slaughter of Reyhanehs and women and girls in Gaza.
  • Iran is the cradle of family-centeredness, and women are the pillars of the family.
  • I do not need to elaborate on the status and role of women in Iranian and Islamic culture. I have no regard for the slogan-driven approaches that surface during elections and are forgotten afterward.
  • In our country, women have never been viewed as objects. Today, even the West has reverted to family values, with women being the flag bearers of this return.
  • Martyr President Raeisi, at the UN summit, invited the world to return to family values.
  • Our women's concern is not the hijab. Their main concern is discrimination in opportunities, and they are right to be concerned.

Saeed Jalili:

  • The role of Muslim women in various fields of the Islamic Revolution has been significant.
  • Enemies in Iran have focused on women because women are a strength of the Islamic Revolution. Western civilization, which has reached a dead end on the issue of women and has admitted it, is being challenged.
  • Today, they remain silent about thousands of women in Gaza but take a stance on the death of one woman in Iran because the Islamic Republic has brought women into the forefront and presented a model showcasing a Muslim woman as an entrepreneur, scientist, and exemplary mother.
  • What our women (in the Islamic Republic) are concerned about is why this role and position of women is censored (in the West).
  • Mothers and wives of martyrs have achieved great successes, as have female scientists.
  • In his will, Haj Qasem (General Qassem Soleimani) emphasized the importance of defending the family and protecting women from any kind of harm.

Masoud Pezeshkian:

  • We need to start addressing issues from kindergartens and schools (when it comes to issues related to women).
  • When women's rights are ignored in any society, voices should be raised.

Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf:

  • Without a doubt, the family is the most important entity that governments must focus on, especially in the (incoming) fourteenth administration.
  • If we want a strong Iran, we must have strong families.Women are the driving force within the family.
  • A woman, as a mother, wife, child-rearer, and household manager, compensates for all deficiencies, from the national level to the family level, especially during times of economic hardships.

Mostafa Pourmohammadi:

  • Imam Khomeini organized the Islamic Revolution and the war (imposed by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein against the Islamic Republic) with the participation of women.
  • Women have made significant progress in the Islamic Republic of Iran, but they still have not reached their true position.

Source: Presstv

News ID 765295


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