Iran Strongly Condemns Canada's Motion Against IRGC

Iran has vehemently criticized a motion passed by the Canadian House of Commons, urging the Ottawa government to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group.

Iran (IMNA) - Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani emphasized the IRGC's role in safeguarding national security, borders, and combating terrorism regionally. Kan’ani denounced the Canadian resolution as "unwise, hostile, and a violation of international law principles, including sovereignty equality and non-interference in state affairs." He labeled the motion as an attack on Iran's sovereignty and national security, expressing Iran's readiness to respond to such actions that contravene international law.

**Headline: Iran Slams Canada's Move to Label IRGC as Terrorist Group**

In response to the Canadian House of Commons' non-binding resolution, Kan’ani criticized Canadian lawmakers for following a misguided path influenced by the Zionist regime and marginalized groups. He advised Canadian parliamentarians to understand the IRGC's significance in Iran and highlighted that the motion, driven by ignorance, would not diminish the force's power and authority. Kan’ani warned that Iran retains the right to retaliate against actions that violate international law and harm the Iranian nation and government.


News ID 752580


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