Iranian Foreign Ministry Condemns US Lawmakers' Attempts to Provide Immunity for Israeli Officials at ICC

In a statement, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani criticized US lawmakers for their efforts to grant immunity to Israeli officials facing investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for alleged war crimes.

Iran (IMNA) - Kan'ani described the actions of a group of US representatives and senators as "shameful and worrying," accusing them of attempting to pressure ICC prosecutors and judges to shield Israeli officials from accountability.

Kan'ani emphasized that such interference undermines the core purpose of the ICC in prosecuting war criminals and expressed concern over the potential repercussions of this intervention. He highlighted the danger posed by these actions, stating that global inaction in the face of such threats hampers the pursuit of justice and perpetuates crimes against the Palestinian people.

Reports indicate that US House Republicans are drafting legislation to sanction ICC officials as a preemptive measure against possible arrest warrants targeting Israeli officials. Pro-Israel members of Congress from both parties have cautioned the ICC about potential repercussions from the US if it proceeds with the warrants.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul confirmed the development of the legislation, noting that he and other GOP lawmakers have engaged with ICC prosecutor Karim Khan on this matter.

News ID 752112


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