17 May 2021 - 11:48
Work From Home Day

Work From Home Day celebrates those days where employees or office workers get the freedom to Work From Home and avoid the commute.

Iran (IMNA) - Working From Home is a matter that has been going on as long as people have been engaged in any kind of business or trade but it is completely different from ‘Remote Work’ where all the time an employee works from home. Moreovers, work from home is not the same as ‘Freelancing’ where a freelance worker or a self-employed person runs his or her own business from home.

The idea that giving people the opportunity to work from home every now and then has some benefits for both employee and employer, such as; reducing office costs, less commute stress and better life-work balance as well.

When the employee's job does not necessarily require them to be at the office all the time, working from home would be a great opportunity both for employee and employer. For example, it would be considered as an alternative for an employee who has loved ones at home and should take care of him/her.

Further, Working From Home brings flexibility for an employee who has some restrictions in some periods of time, including health problems, traffic congestion or other similar cases. Accordingly, sometimes working away from the office without costing a day’s wages would be deeply fruitful. In other words, sometimes, it is a great opportunity which comes up with a great performance.

Work From Home Day

News ID 494121


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