Iran (IMNA) - "The underground urban spaces have been considered as an opportunity for the future to create parking lots; with that end in view, expert discussions have been conducted, and we hope to provide this place for the citizens. however, it would be better off with far fewer cars and work on the culture of using less private cars," the Head of the Urban Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering Commission of the Islamic Council of Isfahan said.
"The city is not just about the construction of modern bridges and highways. Actually, it is a place for all human beings and any agenda should be all-inclusive in order to support people from all walks of life" Toghyani continued.
Regarding the limit numbers of parking spaces through the city and the need to increase their capacities, he remarked, "there are different point of views on the issue of parking, one is that the more parking lots in city centers, the easier people can use vehicles and attend historical centers. Also, this plan will reduce traffic congestion.”
"On the other hand, when citizens are not inclined to use their private vehicles in the city, necessary measures should be taken to develop public transportation. In this respect, the fifth Islamic City Council is focusing on this issue. Despite the difficult economic conditions and inflation, the modernization of the public transport fleet and also development of Metro has been considered as the ongoing projects of the fifth Islamic City Council," Toghyani pointed out.
"Indeed, parking is a need of the city. Allocation of the budget line for the creation of parking, is a favourable matter during this period of the city council. Moreover, the revenue from the suburban park will be used only to create new parking lots in the city," he added.
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