Isfahan (IMNA) - Pointing to holding "women startup event" in Isfahan, the head of supreme council for women of chamber of commerce, industries, mines, and agriculture of Isfahan said, "Unfortunately, when people talk about "work from home" jobs of women, they will certainly think about low-level occupations. But for example, a woman who has studied in the major of computer programming, she can take order and do this work at home."
"There are a few jobs that women cannot take, but they can do their best in other occupations with their creativity, confidence and perseverance," Zahra Akhavan Nasab said. Currently, the first problem that women face with is the cultural issues; the main part of the problem depends on women themselves, and they should manage it; Improving self-confidence and the level of their skills can be effective in solving women's problems.
Women can do well in the service occupation, currently, Isfahani women who are working in different fields of agriculture, industry and even mine have proved to be successful.
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