Niasar waterfall; Green jewel of Kashan

Niasar waterfall which is a popular picnic site in Iran is located in the historical city of Niasar (a city that is 130 kilometers of northwest of Kashan), and more precisely in the old neighborhood of Sarkamar (Shahid Beheshti).

Isfahan (IMNA) - This water of Niasar waterfall is at its minimum volume during autumn season and at its maximum volume in winter. The neighborhood that Niasar waterfall is located there, is one of the historical-cultural neighborhoods of Niasar and even Iran, that besides the waterfall, it has other beautiful sites such as the stair path from down of the waterfall to the chateau, the streambed, the trees, and the surrounding plants. In addition, there is an entrance to the Reisi cave of Niasar beside the waterfall; so if you travel to see the waterfall, you should visit this cave too.

In addition to the beautiful and fantastic views in Niasar waterfall, medicinal herbs are also found in this area that each of them has a unique property. Plants such as Maidenhair (good for headache and chest pain), glasswort (good for backache and headache) and snake cucumber (for leg pain) are found there. In addition to these herbs, doctors in the past time used the dust of stones in the streambed of the waterfall as an ointment for wounds. The trees beside the waterfall include the trees of heaven, sweet willows, Shemron berry trees, and grapevine. We hope that you will visit the historical city of Niasar which is one of the most important hubs of producing Rosa damascena, rose water, and herbal tincture.

News ID 350631


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